Tuesday, August 10, 2010

HOUSE-click to make bigger

First, I know this post is REALLY overdue, I was putting it off because I knew it would take some time. But all those who haven't been over, now have an idea what it looks like! The things we do to live near the beach... :) We love it here. Oh the office area will be turned into the baby's hideout here in a couple months, in case your wondering where we will put a child in such a space :)


  1. You guys did a great job!!! Love the decor. How the heck do you get into that bed? Is that what those teeny tiny step things are for?

  2. WOW !!! I forgot how horrible it was!!! You took great pics!!! It really turned out so awesome!!!

  3. Very Very Cute! I wish we could have come see it. I texted you but don't know if you ever got it.. you might have been working or something. The week flew by and I feel bad I didn't get to see you again!
