Friday, June 18, 2010


On thursday I had my 5 month doctors appt and they did my 20 week ultrasound! It was awesome!!! The nurse totally hooked us up and turned on the 4D for us, we were so stoked! Here is our baby. How wild. I can now see him/her (we want a surprise here people) and imagine what's inside and what it looks like!! :)


  1. That is crazy?!?!! Yay for baby Gardner!! I'm so excited for him/her to come to your new family :)

  2. soo cool! We got hooked up with 4D too, makes it more real! soo excited for you guys, your half way therrre!

  3. thats exciting I get mine on the 29th.... But we already found out what we are having.... I thought someone told me what sex you guys were having.... weird... but cool you are going to wait i wish i could do it but i hated not knowing :)

  4. That is awesome. We are so excited for you guys!!!
