Monday, September 20, 2010


Considering our small space for the baby, Chris and I have been debating if we should get a bassinet or a crib. He mentioned the other day it would be cool if there was some sort of a baby hammock we could hang under our 'loft', and yesterday we came across THIS! I love it and this will be our new baby's home for the first 6 months! I'm really excited for it :)

Friday, September 17, 2010


Last night we went to see Mason Jennings play in San Diego at the Woman's Club. It was my first Mason concert and I loved every second of it. Best part was we got to meet him afterwards, too bad I didn't have him sign my belly.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Baby Moon

Chris and I took a little trip for our one year anniversary/my birthday/and babymoon. It was a lot of celebrating and a really fun. We drove the coast up past Big Sur and loved every minute of it. It was much needed and so beautiful up there. We had lots of adventures and enjoyed our last official vaca without the babe :)

(I got lazy with pictures sorry for the simple route)

We all have one..

Everyone has their dream baby bedding right? Well here's mine.. I look at it often and I really love it. $400.. eek i think ill have to keep on dreaming.